Dr. Jeffrey Bada is a Distinguised Research Professor of Marine Chemistry and Distinguished Profesor of Marine Chemistry Emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego. He received his PhD in Chemistry  from UCSD and worked for a brief time as a Research Fellow at the Hoffman Labs at Harvard University. He then joined the faculty at UCSD and has risen through the ranks there. Jeffrey has also served as the Director of the NASA Specialized Center of Research and Training in Exobiology. He was an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow and is a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life. His research has been widely featured in the media, including The New York Times, Scientific American, The Naked Scientists, The LA Times, and many more. Jeff is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science.

Direct download: 225_Jeffrey_Bada_Final.mp3
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Dr. Roshan Cools is a Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and a Principal Investigator of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging) in the Netherlands. She received a Masters degree in Experimental and Neuropsychology from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands as well as a MPhil degree and PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Cambridge. Afterward, she worked as a Junior Research Fellow at St. John's College and the Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge. She traveled to the University of California, Berkeley for a postdoctoral fellowship and then served briefly as a Royal Society University Research Fellow back at the University of Cambridge before accepting her position at the Donders Institute and the Radboud University in nijmegen. She has received a number of personal awards, including the James McDonnell Scholar Award (2012) and the Young Investigator Award of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (2012). Roshan is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science.

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Dr. Jacquelyn Gill is an Assistant Professor of Paleoecology and Plant Ecology at the University of Maine. She received her Masters degree and PhD in Geography from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Afterward she served as a the Voss Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University before joining the faculty at the University of Maine. She was the recipient of the E. Lucy Braun Award for Excellence in Ecology, the Student Section Award for Excellent Women in Ecology, and the Cooper Award all from the Ecological Society of America. She also received the Trewarth Award for Best Student Paper, the Graduate Peer Mentor Award, and the Whitbeck Dissertator Fellowship from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Jacquelyn is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science.

Direct download: 223_Jacquelyn_Gill_Final.mp3
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Dr. Shawn Domagal-Goldman is a Research Space Sientist with NASA at the Goddard Space Flight Center. He received his Masters Degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Rochester and his PhD in Astrobiology and Geosciences from the Pennsylvania State University. Shawn previously worked as a Research Associate at Penn State, a Research Associate in the Virtual Planetary Laboratory at the University of Washington, and also served as the NASA Astrobiology Management Postdoctoral Fellow before accepting his current position. Shawn is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science.

Direct download: 222_Shawn_Domagal_Goldman_Final.mp3
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Dr. James Pipas is the Herbert W. and Grace boyer Chair in Molecular Biology and Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his PhD in Molecular Biophysics from Florida State University and completed his postdoctoral training at Baylor College and the John Hopkins School of Medicine. Jim has been a faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh now for over 30 years. Jim is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science.

Direct download: 221_James_Pipas_Final.mp3
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Dr. Kristen Pickett is an Assistant Professor in the Occupational Therapy Program within the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She received her Masters in Kinesiology and her PhD in Kinesiology, Biomechanics, and Neural Control from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Concurrently, she worked as a human factor engineer at 3M. Afterward, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine before joining the faculty at University of Wisconsin, Madison. Kristen is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science.

Direct download: 220_Kristen_Pickett_Final.mp3
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Dr. Daniel MacArthur is Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital and an Associate Member of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. Daniel received his PhD in Human Genetics from the University of Sydney and served as a Postdoctoral Scientist at Children's Hospital at Westmead. Daniel worked as a Research Fellow at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute before accepting his current appointments. In addition to his superb research, Daniel has written many blog articles for both Wired Science and ScienceBlogs.com. Daniel is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science.

Direct download: 219_Daniel_MacArthur_Final.mp3
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Dr. Ken Dawson-Skully is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Florida Atlantic University. He received his Master's degree in Neurobiology from Queen's University and his PhD in Neurophysiology from the University of Toronto. Ken then conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Toronto before joining the faculty at Florida Atlantic University. Ken is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science.

Direct download: 118_Ken_Dawson_Scully_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Dr. Randi Martin is the Elma Schneider Professor in the Department of Psychology at Rice University and an Adjunct Professor of Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative Science at Baylor College of Medicine. She received her Master's Degree and PhD in Psychology from Johns Hopkins University. Randi served as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz and an Associate Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University before joining the faculty at Rice. She has received many honors and awards during her career, including being named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a Fellow of the American Psychological Society, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as election to the Society of Experimental Psychologists. Randi is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science.

Direct download: 217_Randi_Martin_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Dr. Wendy Bohrson is a Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Director of the Science Talent Expansion Program at Central Washington University. She received her PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. Afterward, Wendy accepted a University of California Office of the President Postdoctoral Fellowship and a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. She was also employed in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara as a researcher and lecturer before joining the faculty at Central Washington University. Wendy is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science.

Direct download: 216_Wendy_Bohrson_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Dr. Paul Vasey is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Laboratory of Comparative Sexuality at the University of Lethbridge. He received his PhD from the University of Montreal in Anthropology. He did postdoctoral fellowships at Concordia University and York University before joining the Faculty at Lethbridge. Paul’s work has been the subject of various documentaries on television (National Geographic’s Ultimate Explorer, Discovery Channel, The Nature of Things) and the radio (U.S National Public Radio, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Netherlands).  This work has been reported on in hundreds of newspapers and magazines such as the New York Times, The Economist, and Oprah Magazine. Paul is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science.

Direct download: 215_Paul_Vasey_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Dr. Karen James is a staff scientist at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Maine.  She received her PhD in Genetics from the University of Washington and conducted postdoctoral research at the Natural History Museum in London before joining the MDI Lab. Karen is also Co-Founder and Director of UK-based charity The HMS Beagle Trust which is working to rebuild the HMS Beagle and retrace the journey of Charles Darwin with a new generation of students and scientists. Karen is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science.

Direct download: 214_Karen_James_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST






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