Mon, 29 September 2014
Dr. Mike Brown is the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology. He received his Masters and PhD in Astronomy from the University of California, Berkeley. Afterward, he completed a Hubble Postoctoral Fellowship at the University of Arizona andCaltech. He then joined the faculty at Caltech. Mike has received many awards and honors during his career, including the Urey Prize for best young planetary scientist from the American Astronomical Society's Division of Planetary Sciences, a Presidential Early Career Award, a Sloan Fellowship, the 2012 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics, and election to the National Academy of Sciences. Mike and his research have been featured in the New Yorker, the New York Times, Discover, and numerous other media outlets. He has been named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People and one of Los Angeles magazine's Most Powerful Angelinos. You may know Mike for his discovery of a dwarf planet called Eris that lead to the reclassification of Pluto from a planet to a dwarf planet. Mike is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |
Fri, 26 September 2014
Dr. Kate Clancy is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Anthropology and Animal Biology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She received her PhD from Yale University and worked as a Preceptor Faculty for the Expository Writing Program at Harvard University before joining the faculty at the University of Illinois. Kate is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science. |
Wed, 24 September 2014
158: Master of Matters Microbial Including Predatory Microbes and Bacterial Symbiosis - Dr. Mark Martin
Dr. Mark Martin is an Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Puget Sound. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles and his PhD in Biological Sciences from Stanford University. Mark then completed postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Diego. Afterward, Mark worked in the biotech industry for several years. He spent some time as a science fiction author before accepting a teaching position at Occidental College in LA where he worked for about 10 years before joining the faculty at the University of Puget Sound. Mark is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |
Mon, 22 September 2014
Dr. Woodward Fischer is an Professor of Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology. He received his PhD in Earth and Planetary Sciences from Harvard University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Caltech before joining the faculty there. Woody is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |
Fri, 19 September 2014
156: Germinating Exciting Experiments on Plant Pathogens and Microbial Interactions - Dr. David Baltrus
Dr. David Baltrus is an Assistant Professor in The School of Plant Sciences at the University of Arizona. He received his PhD in Ecology and Evolution from the University of Oregon, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dave is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |
Wed, 17 September 2014
155: Expressing Great Enthusiasm for Gene Therapy Approaches for Spinal Cord Injury - Dr. Murray Blackmore
Dr. Murray Blackmore is an Assistant Professor in Biomedical Sciences at Marquette University. He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University and his PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Minnesota. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at the University of Miami, where he remained for two additional years as a Research Assistant Professor before assuming his current position. Murray is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |
Mon, 15 September 2014
Dr. Laurence Packer is a Professor of Biology at York University. He received his PhD in Zoology from the University of Toronto. He completed a postoctoral fellowship at the University of Calgary and then joining the faculty at York University. He leads one of the largest wild bee research labs in the world and looks after an impressively large collection of over 300,000 bees. Laurence is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |
Fri, 12 September 2014
153: Dusting Off the Enigmatic History of the Stars by Studying Solar System Materials - Dr. Christine Floss
Dr. Christine Floss is a Research Professor in Physics at Washington University in St. Louis. She received her PhD in Geochemistry from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, and spent five years working as a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg before joining the faculty at Washington University. Christine is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science. |
Wed, 10 September 2014
Dr. Richard Hardy is a Professor of Biology and Associate Chair of Teaching at Indiana University, Bloomington. He received his PhD from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis before joining the faculty at Indiana University. Richard has received a number of awards and honors during his career, including the Indiana University Trustees' Teaching Award three times. Richard is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |
Mon, 8 September 2014
151: Weighing in on the Balance of Life by Investigating Ecological Networks and Food Webs - Dr. Neo Martinez
Dr. Neo Martinez is an Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and The University of Arizona and Director and Founder of the Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab in Berkeley. He is also an Affiliated Researcher of the Energy and Resources group at the University of California Berkeley. Neo received a Masters degree in Oceanography and Limnology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and his Masters and PhD degrees in Energy and Resources from the University of California, Berkeley. Afterward, he accepted a National Science Foundation and Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship working as Principal Investigator at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and at the UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab. He was also a faculty member at San Francisco State University before joining the faculty at The University of Arizona. Neo is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science. |
Fri, 5 September 2014
150: Fruitful Research on Gene Environment Interplay in Feeding Behavior of Fruit Flies - Dr. Marla Sokolowski
Dr. Marla Sokolowski is a University Professor in the Departments of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology as well as Canada Research Chair in Genetics and Behavioral Neurology at the University of Toronto. She is also Academic Director of the University of Toronto Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development and Co-Director of the Child & Brain Development Programme of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research where she is the Weston Fellow. She received her PhD in Zoology from the University of Toronto and served on the faculty at York University before joining the faculty at the University of Toronto. Marla has received many awards and honors during her career. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and Senior Fellow at Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. She has also received the Genetics Society of Canada’s Award of Excellence, the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal, and the Award of Excellence from the International Society of Behavior and Neurogenetics. Marla is with us today to tell us all about her journey through life and science. |
Wed, 3 September 2014
149: Modeling Grace Under Pressure in Predicting DNA Packaging and Ejection in Viruses - Dr. Rob Phillips
Dr. Rob Phillips is the Fred and Nancy Morris Professor of Biophysics and Biology at the California Institute of Technology. He received his PhD in Physics in condensed matter physics from Washington University in St. Louis. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in physics at Sandia Labs in Livermore California and at Cornell University. Rob served on the faculty at Brown University for 7 years before joining the faculty at Caltech. Rob is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science. |
Mon, 1 September 2014
Dr. Raymond Huey is a Professor of Biology and former chair of the Department of Biology at the University of Washington. He received his Masters degree in Zoology from the University of Texas, Austin and his PhD in Biology from Harvard University. Ray was a Miller Research Felllow at the University of California, Berkeley before joining the faculty at the University of Washington where he has worked for over 35 years. Ray has received numerous awards and honors during his career, including election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and receipt of the President's Award from the American Society of Naturalists. He was also recently selected to give the Cramer Lecture at Dartmouth University, the Sutton Lecture at the University of Oklahoma, and the Inaugural Plenary Lecture of the International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology at the University of Konstanz. He was also a guggenheim fellow. Ray is here with us today to tell us all about his journey through life and science. |